Outdoor Worship at Clay Church

Event Details

Sundays in July
Clay Church North Campus
52866 Ironwood Road
South Bend, IN 46635

10:00 a.m.
Outdoor worship is back at Clay Church this July! You are invited to join us for worship on the lawn every Sunday, for the month of July at 10:00 am. We’ll have snacks and games, joyful music, a special message, a fun storytelling moment based on old and new children’s story classics, and other surprises! July will be a WORSHIP TOGETHER month, so all of our children and youth will be with us in worship outdoors as FaithWorks! and Firehouse are not gathering on Sunday mornings during the month of July.
Here is what you need to know for the month:
• One Service at 10:00 am
• North Campus (arrive early to claim a spot in the shade)
• Bring your lawn chairs or picnic blanket
• We’ll head indoors if it’s raining.
Our sermon series will be the Gospel in Children’s Stories. If you’d like to get a head start on the stories, here is the list. (PS You can often find someone reading the story out loud on YouTube)
- The Day the Crayons Quit
- The Day the Crayons Came Home
- Stone Soup
- The Kissing Hand
- Green Eggs and Ham